Dalton & Gayles Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association

Dalton & Gayles Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association
We meet in Dalton & Gayles Village hall and if you fancy any of our talks just come. It is only £3 for visitors and there is a cup of tea and delicious cakes and biscuits afterwards. We are a very friendly group!!

Chairwoman - Janet Paterson Tel: 01833 621306

Secretary/Treasurer - Mrs. Anne Phillips

First Tuesday in the month

2pm (Feb, March, Nov, Dec)

7.30pm (April – October)





2025 DIARY

We meet the first Tuesday of the month in Dalton & Gayles Village Hall

at 2pm November, December, February and March

and 7pm April, May, June, July, August, September, October.

Visitors welcome.

4th February 2pm    The Cone Exchange with Chris Powell from Harrogate


4th March 2pm         Farmhouse Cookery – Julie Clarke


1st April 7pm              Spring Baskets  - Fiona Dean


13th May (note date)         tba     Fashion Show by Larches of Richmond


3rd June  7pm             The Painted Card -  Sandie, Wordsmith, Illustrator


July 7pm                       History  - Martin Peagran    


August tba.                 YCA Annual Picnic


2nd September 7pm       Sweet making  - Naila Laundy


7th October  7pm             The Dakyn Trust   - Jane Ratcliffe


4th November 2pm          AGM and Bingo with Colin, our fantastic caller


2nd December 12 noon     Christmas Party

Who are we?

The Association is headed by our President, Mrs Audrey Totty MBE, who along with other founder members formed the Association in 1983.
All fundamental decisions are made by a Central Committee which meets monthly at County Headquarters in York. The Committee comprises twelve elected members - four from each of the three Ridings (North, West and East) plus one co-opted member from each Riding.

The committee is headed by a County Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer who are elected biannually.

Each Riding's committee organises events for its own members. The Central Committee administers the whole Association and organises countywide activities and events, competitions etc.

The Affiliation fee to the Association is £3 per year per member, and each Branch levies a subscription to cover its own running costs. Assets of a Branch are vested in the Branch individually and are not subject to control by either the Central or Riding Committee.

The Central Office is run by our two Secretaries, Joan Dunwell and Gill Falkingham. Gill and Joan were appointed in March 2004 and deal with the general day to day running of the office and members' enquiries. This is the hub of the Association. All branch records, mailing lists, literature production, correspondence and the organization of county events is carried out here

The office is manned between 10 am and 3 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and we are here to help with members' queries. If you need any advice or information just give Gill or Joan a ring as they will be only too pleased to help. You can find us and meet members at shows during the Summer and other events where we have stands.

Please click here to see our website

Contact Us:

Chairwoman - Janet Paterson Tel: 01833 621306